Naturally, the aim of the goal is to immerse ourselves in different topics, but curiosity is the backbone of how we approach everything in life. We ask lots of questions, listen attentively, and think critically about the world. We want to understand the why about everything and will relentlessly explore until we figure it out!

We help foster a safe space for ideas to be shared and are inclusive in all activities, discussions, and ideas. We give everyone a space to share their thoughts, join the conversation, and never leave out anyone. In the words of a past attendee, “inclusivity is hot.”

Seek understanding
Always try to understand where someone else is coming from when you disagree. There are no “winners” or “losers” in arguments or discussions, the goal is to converge at a point of shared understanding from where you are coming from.

Intellectual honesty
Learning requires courage, honesty, bravery, and integrity. And it’s uncomfortable! We embrace the discomfort of learning.

Above all, we strive to be kind and generous in everything that we do.

Because if we’re not having fun learning and thinking critically about the world, what are we even doing? We love to laugh and enjoy the process!